Monday, September 22, 2014

Finding Story!

Movie Name: Finding Story!
Duration: When the Baby is done crying
Rating: ***** / Moron

Disclaimer: The review mentioned here is purely non-fictional and it has everything to do with the editor of the so called leading newspaper, living or by now morally dead. It’s purely coincidental if this article gets publicity without sharing my clichéd cleavage pictures.

The plot begins when a leading newspaper, back in time used to lead by example bringing news at its best form to people. This was when engrossing statistics, informative news and reports on corruption, scams and ofcourse “eve-teasing, rapes and safety for women” were highlighted, Yes that too happened once upon a time! Time and again, inspite of the BREAKING NEWS on the fastest news channels were things like a cat was killed while crossing the road", this medium got everything that made pure sense to the common man, every morning. This first half of the film is very engrossing, fancy and commendable. It engages the audience well, holds everyone to their seats and also charms them with the initiatives for women, education and voting campaigns. *Applause*

But as powerful and interesting as the first half sounds, the second half of the film leads to a turmoil of a chaos, desperation and immaturity. The plot looks like a desperate attempt to SELL SEX when it introduces the leading Heroine of the film with her zoomed-in cleavage shots. The boring, done to death and clichéd direction and writing, displays a loss of respect to the plot. It does no justice to the acting capabilities of a Heroine who dominated the acting industry last year. In fact, it doesn't justify portraying any woman’s moral this way, especially when on regular "Thank God we don't have to create news today because we already have some" days you portray the sleeping government and talk about how impotent they were on discussing eve-teasing and rapes, right?

While the audience refuse to accept your say, the critics are working on the same page by stating that there is a huge difference between incorporating sexuality according to the lines of “the script demands”, and simply selling it on any platform for publicity sake. 

Hit things about the film:
  • Heroine’s fight back. Something that goes to say, if newspapers have the right to express their opinions, so do others.
  • The industry runs on only three things that are Entertainment, Entertainment and Entertainment was 2012, this is 2014. Thank you!
  • Somewhere an Indian politician saying, "Maybe it's not Chow Mein, it is this kind of news that evoke men to eve-tease.

Flop things about the film:
  • It only goes to prove how far the word Journalism has reached. While college quote Lakhs for rupees for their recognised courses in Journalism, teaching moral rules and writing for the betterment of the country is never a part of the syllabus. 
  • A heroine does not need to show skin or raise her opinion for her upcoming film, especially when she has given 4 bumper hits last year. Clearly, you have got your facts wrong.

  • OMG, I wish there was a video marking your face on how you got screwed when someone voiced an opinion and you simply could not handle the criticism, was made.
  • Hi, I have an answer to why I did this is directly proportional to okay now my ego is hurt. Did you really think people would understand you? Double LOL!
Give it a miss, you surely don’t want to waste your Rs. 6 on an unethical and unreasonable save-my-ass plot. As for the film makers/writers of this spine-less story, GET A LIFE; no wait, get meaningful stories which you work for and we pay you for.